The most important FCC vote of our lifetime is about to happen
On Feb 26 the FCC will vote to save net neutrality or let Comcast and other ISPs create Internet slow lanes. Some members of Congress, on behalf of their Cable donors, are trying to stop the FCC from protecting the Internet we love. There isn’t much time to stop them, contact them now.
We are doing the impossible and beating big cable! We’re days away from saving net neutrality and free speech on the Internet, and we did it by organizing millions in the Battle for the Net!
Fight for the Future is dedicated to protecting and expanding the Internet’s transformative power in our lives by creating civic campaigns that are engaging for millions of people. Alongside internet users everywhere we beat back attempts to limit our basic rights and freedoms, and empower people to demand technology (and policy) that serves their interests. Activating the internet for the public good can only lead to a more vibrant and awesome world. More coming soon.
Tue, 10 Feb 2015
Net neutrality activists bodyslammed, dragged from Republican FCC commissioner Ajit Pai’s press conference for holding up this banner: “85% of Republican Voters Support Net Neutrality”
They are Team Cable
We are Team Internet
We believe in the free and open Internet, with no arbitrary fees or slow lanes for sites that can’t pay. All of the people, companies, and organizations below have taken a stand for “Title II reclassification,” the only option that lets the FCC stop Team Cable from breaking the key principles of the Internet we love.
Please click here is you want to help: Battle For the Net
More information is available by clicking here.