SSL Certificates are Free Now

Although GoDaddy is still selling SSL Certificates for $55.99 per year for one site, they are free now and we install them on all our customers’ sites at no extra charge here at Dynamic Web Development. SSL encrypts the page and uses a key to un-encrypts it when...

Adobe’s Unethical Pracrtices

Quite often Adobe sends an update for Flash.  When you install the update Adobe sneaks applications on to your computer such as McAfee, True Key, ASK or even change your browser settings, unless you are watching very closely.  And even then, sometimes there is no...

Save Net Neutrality

The most important FCC vote of our lifetime is about to happen   On Feb 26 the FCC will vote to save net neutrality or let Comcast and other ISPs create Internet slow lanes. Some members of Congress, on behalf of their Cable donors, are trying to stop the FCC...

Lost Website Content

I’ve gotten 3 new clients in the last couple of months because their websites were either lost due to servers being hacked or neglect by the site owner to pay for their domain name registration or web hosting account on time or framework, plugins or module...


Please be aware that is a scam. A simple look up on will reveal the registrant is in Great Britain and there are other indications that can be found by searching for the keywords: complaints or scams. When you are dealing with...

Your First Impression

Your website is your most important marketing investment and your biggest opportunity, if you do it right. The Internet is where your new customers are looking for you and their first impression of your company. That’s why it’s so important to hire skilled...